Saturday, August 21, 2010

How can I tell if this guy I go to school with is interested enough in me to hangout outside of school?

We have only had 2 classes together in all of highschool, we are about to graduate and I would really like to hangoutwith him. It is a bit hard because our friends really aren't the same at all. I have one class with him this semester and I missed about 2 weeks, and he asked my friend in the class what happend to me. He always smiles at me in the hall and will like make comments into my conversations if he hears it in the hallway. It's just so random, and I never know what to say to him when he tries to talk to me. so nervous. I haven't to deal witha crush like this in so long. I know he smokes weed like myself, and I could ask him to burn like... im just scared.. but.. I don't even know how to approach this one.How can I tell if this guy I go to school with is interested enough in me to hangout outside of school?
haha ask him if he can get you weed bc u cant find any....then ask him to blazeee....or tell him ull smoke him up if he finds u weed idk, seems pretty simpleHow can I tell if this guy I go to school with is interested enough in me to hangout outside of school?
just ask if he wants to hang out some time its not hard really. dont do the weed thing thats kindav weird to me

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