Ever been in that position that you are pretty sure you are definitely attracted to a person who is too young for you to make a move, yet old enough that in less than a year it won't be bad... the person is 17, i just turned 20. This is not a real question, just sometimes its good to get things out. And this ridiculously open forum is the place that im choosing to do so. maybe someone will be the same. if not, who gives a damn. Thats the fun part about anonymity.
To put more info in the case... not only is the person too young..time will tell if they are-- as i would need them to be--attracted to the same sex as their own. As that would be key. They exhibit all the signs that say yeah he probably..as in he does the things i did when i was that age.
I've known this person for years and years, and since my biggest love and crush is as straight as the straightest thing in the world i've been dealt enough crushing blows that im empty of optimism, and this is just the whims of a dumb idiot on a stupid stupid lost cause.
Has anyone ever been closeted (like me) and honestly had a 'straight friend' that they were definitely convinced was not and somehow some way ended up realizing they were not straight and then yeah, hooked up and had a secret fling or something...if so how the hell did that happen?
ok. im done. This catharsis did very very little actually. Sorry the world lost about 10 seconds to 2 minutes having to deal with it.Is it worth the wait?
My case was pretty similar to yours, about the straight crush. It was the opposite of the hypothetical situation you asked about in the end. I was sending signs of attraction, both emotional and physical, and since they started to be reciprocal, I became bolder and bolder, and my crush still reciprocated, so it grew to the point where I had myself convinced that there existed a good possibility of my feelings being mutual. Then I found out, through an offhand comment thrown around in casual conversation, that it wasn't so, and it could never be so.
About your friend, you should give him some time. It certainly sounds as though it would be worth the wait, if he does turn out to be gay. 17 to 20 is not that big a difference, there's no need to wait a year just for that reason.... but I do understand why you'd want to wait until he figures himself out before implicating a romantic relationship.
I'd be cautious, however, of falling into the same trap I did. If you do decide to wait, bear in mind that you should hold no expectations until you know his orientation. Keep him in mind, but don't make big plans for yourself just yet.
Hopefully the second half of the catharsis will help a little more.
Good luck.Is it worth the wait?
here is the thing. in some states 17 is legal. so find out what your laws are first. if he is straight you can't do much about that. i know that no one can change me into being gay, so it might be impossible for you to turn this guy gay
I was positive that I would NEVER have feelings for a girl, and then my friend told me that she was in love with me. She wrote the most beautiful song about me that made me cry. She doesn't like me anymore and I still have of random love for her. My point is that maybe you need to tell this person how you feel. It really works!!
17 is not too young for you to pursue, and you are not too old for him. Just get close to him, get to know him better, and be affectionate to him.
Hmm, you would want to test the waters to make sure he is not super homophobic. Mention in a random conversation someone gay you know (in ordinary life or a celebrity), and say that you think gay people should be allowed to marry. Notice how he responds.
Hug him hello and/or goodbye, and hold that hug and rest in it, to see how he reacts. Notice if he stares at you or looks at you with a hypnotized gaze. Watch a movie together under a blanket and snuggle up to him. Obviously if he does not like such close touch, you will have to accept he is not yearning for you.
But I think if you are clearly affectionate to him, he will respond if he likes you back.
If you see in his eyes or his touch that he responds, then kiss him on the cheek to see what he does. If he likes that -- make it a kiss on the lips.
3 years is not bad at all my friend. Though you are right in saying that it is weird, think about it. When a 20 year old gets together with a 23 year old people are like ';yeah blah blah blah'; they think nothing of it. Tell them your feelings. like you said you are the older one and when the more mature one tells you their feelings then it just makes the moment. .... SPARK i guesse u culd say lol. Please do it, because if you don't know it might be too late
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