You guessed it, a Capricorn man. lol I was trying to avoid asking yet another Capricorn question, but I'm all out of ideas.
First, I'm a Taurus (Sun), Capricorn (Moon), Scorpio (rising) with Venus in Taurus and Mars in Scorpio. He's a Capricorn (Sun), Gemini (Moon), Sagittarius (rising) with Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Taurus.
We met initially online. I was infatuated with him after the first date until he did something to tick me off (which always happens with Capricorns for me). Well, we ultimately went out on another date and I saw in him again what had attracted me to him the first time. Right now, he's deployed (Military guy). So, we've been keeping in touch via e-mail.
I kept hoping that this crush would fade, but no dice. So, I thought I ask for his help with it. He hasn't done or said anything that would really say that he thinks of me as anything more than a friend other than sexual banter. So, I told him what was going on and asked him to just tell me to ';snap out of it';. Having my crush tell me themself that they didn't reciprocate should do the trick, right?
I told him it was no big deal, and that I didn't want to stop talking to him; I just want to get my head out of the clouds and stop feeling like I'm acting like a teenager. (No offense to teenagers) His response? He told me to send him more pictures! Why on Earth would it be so difficult to just say ';I don't feel that way about you.'; or something to that effect? I've already made it clear that doing so is what I want and that it wouldn't stop me from talking to him. What gives? Why would he not do something that's (imo) such a simple little thing?How to deal with having a crush on?
Well, I know how you feel. Capricorns need resassurance on where they stand in order to move on and that goes for Cap moons also. I once did the same thing as you with a Capricorn, but in my own words..... I let him know that it was okay to tell me if we were not on the same page. I told him I would rather have a solid answer and that it would give me peace if he told me a direct answer instead of letting me go with a number of questions in my head.
Anyway, if he does not think of you in the same way you think of him, he is afraid to hurt you.... despite the fact that you are asking for a direct answer from him. He most likely wants to keep being your friend at least. Maybe you should say to him that it won't hurt you(even though that may be a lie), for him to tell you straight out.How to deal with having a crush on?
Date his best friend and flaunt it in his face.
Capricorn men drive me stupid!! Oh they know exactly what they want and go for it, they JUST DON'T LET YOU IN ON IT!!!
GOD they drive me crazy! Thats why I always ask a guy what sign they are...if they say Capricorn, I run screaming in the other direction!
Taurus (Sun), Capricorn (Moon), Scorpio (rising) with Venus in Taurus and Mars in Scorpio. then Capricorn (Sun), Gemini (Moon), Sagittarius (rising) with Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Taurus.
its great!
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