Thursday, August 19, 2010

How do you deal with the loss of a very much loved pet?

We lost our most wonderful family member and are having a hard time dealing. My daughter is crushed. We had him for almost 10 years. He's in my 360 pics and on my blog if you want to see him.

We miss him so much, my chest hurts every time I think about him.How do we deal with it?How do you deal with the loss of a very much loved pet?
Keep yourselves busy to keep your minds off of it. Keep in mind, that people are suppose to go through the greiving process. Although it hurts, you wouldn't be normal if you didn't. It will get better with time. ';Time heals all wounds';. Surround yourself with loved ones.How do you deal with the loss of a very much loved pet?
Get a new pet?

Did you bury him a make a memorial or headstone? When our pet died the kids all drew him a picture and wrote him a little letter and we buried it with him. There is a website where you can order a pet headstone. It is small, but nice ($15).
Have a wonderful memorial service for him. Also go to They have a wonderful place where you can make a memorial page for a loved pet member of the family for free. When I lost my cat I waited about 2 months and started out again with a new kitten. He didn't replace my old cat but he helped to take my mind off of him. I am sooo sorry for the loss of your cat. Good luck to you and your family.
This is probably the one and only question that no one can answer. We can only sympathize with you. There is nothing that can ease the pain. It is part of the healing process. Maybe this will help you and your child feel a little better.


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...
Just be glad that your beloved pet lived a good, long life. Think about how many good times you have had with your pet. Remind everyone else about how great he is. Try not to think about the sad times with your pet. He lived a good life, and it has to end sometime. Nobody lives forever, but everyone lives for a good time. I am so sorry about your little beloved pet! Life can move on without your pet, and it will. Just remember-everyone's fun has to end sometime, like your pet's good life had to end sometime. Have a good life!
I lost my baby (doggie) in february. I got loads of photos of him and put them into frames and made a lil memory box with all his belongings. This website also helped as i met people who where going threw the same thing as i was. I met a woman who was in her 40's from america and im 16 she knew exactly how i felt and help me threw her emails. good luck xxx
I'm so sorry for your loss. I was literally sick for weeks after my dog Dexter had to be put to sleep. I couldn't sleep and lost a lot of weight. I was constantly sad. He was 14 years old, had cancer, and I had him half of my life. One of your family members passed away and the grief is VERY real. What really helped me was a website called Pet Loss. You can post about your pet on the site and get help and feedback from other people who lost their pets. It really helped me! I think the link is It will get better with time. Feel sad as long as you need to.
Grieve like you would for any love family member..It is going to hurt for a while and you will pull through it..But remember all the good times and just go through the grieving process.
the way i deal with it is to get another cat just like him or a really cute one. if your daughter was really crushed by this then let her pick out the cat.
I am really sorry. To deal with the loss of a pet you should try to keep yourself busy or to keep your mind off of your pet. Also, it would be best to avoid looking at the pictures during this time.

You can also deal with it by thinking of the good times you had with him and about how much you loved him.

And, if it helps, maybe later on, like a few months later, you could get another pet.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Pets give a lot of love.

I assume you are talking about a dog or cat.

Get a puppy or kitten now. They will DEMAND your attention and will not diminish you deceased pets memory.

It is like keeping busy, except better. If you can, get one from a shelter(you will be saving a life).

I don't know anyone who regreted getting a new pet as soon as possible.
1st u hav 2 know its not bad 2 think of it ..yea..think of the good days u spent with it this will hurt u at first but then u will find ur self getting better..i tried this when my birds died and believe me i felt better after some days, so talk about him a lot and don't keep ur feelings inside yourself

also u can buy another one and give him the same name
I am so sorry for your loss and my heart breaks for you and your family there really is no way of dealing with it and when people say keep busy if your pet was like ours and truly a member of the family then those things that you do to keep busy are useless because your best friend is no longer there to share the everyday things with you time does heal the heart and you will will eventually quit feeling like your whole world has been turned up-side down . I still miss my smokey girl she was with us for 11yrs and I still go out and sit by her grave and talk to her but it is not very easy and it has been a good year and 1/2 since she has been gone just keep talking to your best friend and keep sharing the memories that you and your family have of him the hurt will lessen try not to think of him being gone but that he is still there with you in love and in spirit as for your daughter just hold her and cry together and listen to eachothers stories of your beloved best friend from some one who has been where you are now hope this helps a little . ps I know that your beloved pet is in heaven and sitting on Jesus's lap just waiting until he can see you and your family again when I lost my smokey girl my husband bought me a magnet that readslike this : Some people come into our lives and quickly go ,some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts ,and we are never the same . this magnet hangs on my fridge and reminds me that smokey taught me many things about life she truly was a best friend and I will see her again just like you will see yours again too just remember to grieve and cry because you did not lose a pet you lost a member of the family but one word of caution do not try to replace him yet because it is too soon wait until your hearts are healed before opening up your lives to another pet again I am sorry and hope this helps
Hi Sookie,

When I lost my Samoyed Mousse, I was utterly destroyed. I held her the moment she was born and held her the moment she died-she was my show dog, my friend and the most wonderful animal I ever had. To this day, it hurts when I put her ornament on the tree in her memory.

Last year, I lost Bubba Grump and Mystic (my kitties raised by Mousse) within 5 months of one another. It still hurts to talk about them but down the road, you'll stop crying. Take it one day at a time and moment at a time..

Keeping yourself busy is avoiding the truth-it's alright to cry and hurt. Give yourself into that to cleanse your soul so you can move forward.

Love, Heather
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. It is definitely traumatic. We lost our kitten last fall to a deadly virus. He needed a blood transfusion, fluids but he still didn't get well. We had to make the decision to put him down. My wife was devastated-it took her a while to not have that sinking feeling. We recalled silly things that he did his mannerisms and laughed and teared. We still recall him but aren't as sad. People deal with loss differently-here's a site that may help.…
i have still not stopped hurting for my dog Suzi who died 2 years ago aged 17. being only 17 myself i never knew anything diffrent and i couldnt cope with out hearing her footsteps on the floor ect... i still have the tissue i had with me at the vets when i had her put down and i have lots of poems and pictures of her. i am having problems at the minute because i may need to take my pregnant cat to the vets but i dont think i can cope going back in there especially if i have to go in the same room.

just try and stay strong and remember the happy times thats all you can do

best of luck x
I am sorry for your loss. When Ryan died I put together a scrapbook. It may help with your kids as well. They can go through all his pictures and write little blurbs about him. This way even you can't see him and pet him everyday you can pull out ';his'; book and get caught up in his memories.

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