I met this girl last summer at party and we became friends. She goes same high school like I do.
We used to talk a lot at that summer in MSN and sometimes even she did start some of those conversations which I find surprising. When 2nd year at high school started we were still good friends and I talked to her few times a week. I used to tease her a bit and she did the same for me and we smiled to each other very often. Anyway I wasn't sure about my feelings on those times and I ignored her for 2 months. On that time I catch her staring at me and she tried to catch my attention few times. She would look right away at me if she saw me talking to another girl. I know she liked me.
Sometime ago I started talking her a bit more because I had realized that I like her more than just as a friend. Well she wasn't like she used to be few months ago... We are not having great conversations as we used to have. Then she suddenly stopped using her msn and barely comes ever online, this has lasted for like 1 month soon.
We had a cruise with our school and there I decided to just find her and talk about the whole situtation and so I also told about my feelings...
I started talking about our memories and things which had changed, I also made her laugh many many times when I told about our good moments. Few moments later I told her that I like her and her personality and I enjoy her company. We talked for 1陆 hours and she said that she was very surprised that I told about this + added that she had never talked like this with someone and she said that I had changed her whole point of view about me. She also added that she hasn't ignored me in msn when I asked about that.
She said she likes my company and that I am a nice person but she also added that she isn't looking for relationship at this point of her life. Was this the rejection when she said that?
Also if I understood and remember right she might have a crush on guy and it's hard for her to give up with her feelings towards that guy but I'm not sure did I understand right about this.
Later on that night I talked with a friend of her. Her friend said me that my crush had said to her that I am a lovely person etc...
At school like today she looked at me few times and smiled + wrinkled her face. I don't know what does she want from me.
Anyway the whole thing happened 2 days ago but now at home I feel very lonely and depressed. I can't control anything and I'm pretty sad for reason that I don't know what to do. I like this girl so so much and she makes me feel awesome even though I have very hard time in my life.
I don't know what to do anymore. I'm totally clueless and tired of this.
Please give me advices for this.
ThanksHow to deal with this crush?
Awww , listen love. She knows you like her. So if she was going to act on it or is going to she will. You already did your part so now all you have to do is chill.
She said she is not looking for a relationship right now. That is usually the line i tell boys i don't want to be with but i do want to be friends with. She probably likes you but just doesn't want to be with you . . .it might happen. But no until she's ready.
So it doesn't matter what she wants you to do! Cause you already did your part. And if your feeling depressed and lonely. Go find something to do with your time. Go hang out with friends. There is nothing worse than a man who is depressed and lonely over a girl he hasn't been with yet lolHow to deal with this crush?
wow very intense story? Well it does sound like you have some kicking in the butt feelings about her and you really cant say you havent tried since you did tell her bout your feelings and it does hurt knowing you like someone liking someone else? but i believe that if she see what a really good fren you are and reconciders being more she wont be dissappointed =) so i agree with that guy and just wait and see? good luck and remember its not the end of the world and lust and love can fool you?
The girl is now in control of the situation, because she now knows your romantic interests towards her, sometimes girls like guys who just take charge and go for it. Especially since she is leaving the door open for you, by the way she is responding towards you. I would just take her out on a date, and if the chemistry is right plant a kiss on her! If she doesn't like it you will know, and then you won't have to wonder about the ';What ifs?';
My opinion: she is not interested in a relationship with you, but still wants to be friends!!
damn dude..your in love ;D! but anyways yea i think she just might be stuck on that other guy at the moment but she'd defff into you.! so i think you should just stick around with her and keep flirting and being there for her and stuff and eventualy she'll be ready for a relationship. and don't be worried dude. having a gf and being great friends with someone is almost identical. so your pretty much in there dude!
Good luck to ya bro,
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