Thursday, August 19, 2010

In relationship - how do I deal with a crush?

In a relationship for three years and fairly happy (which I think is par for the course for a long-term relationship!)...

Last year started a new job and became friends with a girl (we'll call her Sally). But the problem is that the better I know her, the more attracted to her I get - I thought she was beautiful when I met her but things were platonic but now I realise I have progressed to thinking about her in a different way. I am helping her with an education course - and I am sure she sees me as nothing more than a good friend who is helping her out but I find my heart leaping in my chest if I get an email from her or a SMS message.

My options seem to be:

1) Try and phase out our friendship

2) Try and grit my teeth and ignore my feelings and hope they'll pass.

3) Talk to her and explain how I feel and that I think it's best if I don't help her with her coursework.

4) Something else?In relationship - how do I deal with a crush?
like the options you propose for yourself but i don't agree with them totally. (think about it,make sure you don't want to go there, if you do then talk to the girl and see where her head is if she likes you too then do things right tell her you won't cheat on your girl. Talk and get to know her first for a while AS FRIENDS. if thats where you want to be well......

my opinion if you know that you definitly love your girl, you have something good and don't wish to pursue or think about this other woman

1 don't stop talking to her but the friendship needs to be downsized

2 ignore the feeling for now yes

3 don't tell her how you feel find another way to get out of helping her

love lilyIn relationship - how do I deal with a crush?
Try to do number two...ignore your feelings and hope they pass. You don't want to throw away a fairly happy three year relationship for a girl who never said she liked you back, who might just be a crush. If that doesn't work, tell her how you feel and hope she understands. If she doesn't, phase out your friendship.

Good luck!

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