Monday, August 16, 2010

How do you deal with celeb crush [[ love]]?

NO!!!!! NOT celeb crush, or puppy crush on celebs, but LOVE. Like Love love. and not you rorigional closet celeb love but you know what i mean. You know like you feel like you known them for years [[ not really]] and you cant stop thinking about the all day long. in the morning when you wake up they are the first thing that pop into your mind and when you look on the other side of the bed you feel like they are gone forever and your heart been ripped out. Every time you see their picture or you hear them on tv you heart kind of skipped a beat and you feel like smiling. and you just want to talk about them all the time [[ kind of like your real crush]] and your friend keep on telling you to move on cuz no way in hell its gonna happen but deel inside you know its true but there is a bigger side of you that keeps on telling you that anything is possible if you just believe. And there is a part of you that cant let go and at the same time you dont really want to. NO im not on crack or i am i obsessed with anybody. LMAO no thats how i feel and resiously? IM GOING NUTS sometimes. WTF? pleaseeeee help me.

NO hate Sh**How do you deal with celeb crush [[ love]]?
obsessed much?

I think you should chill.. its a one in 6 billion chance you will ever meet them..

it's not worth it..

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